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Warren Grange Horticulture

We have been producing heirloom vegetables for a decade, supplying high quality produce packed with flavour to WA chefs and consumers.

Our farm lies in the heart of the stunning Southern Forests region between Manjimup and Pemberton.

We are niche producers of premium fresh vegetables and only grow in the fields (not greenhouses) according to the seasons to ensure the best quality.  

We are dedicated to maximising the flavours and goodness only found in wonderful heirloom varieties. We select old varieties with excellent reputations for flavour and grow them to full ripeness on the plants, out in the soil and weather. We only harvest when nature has worked its magic on the inherent flavours, ensuring optimal nutritional benefit.  

As we adhere to the seasons, they control our production and can sometimes limit the timing of harvest for each vegetable. However, this ensures that whatever produce you receive will be genuinely flavoursome and nutritionally sound. 

Our products include, heirloom tomatoes, pumpkins and squash, as well as heirloom garlic and Jerusalem artichokes.